Core Workouts Using Emsculpt NEO

Core Workouts Using Emsculpt NEO

Many men and women desire washboard abs and a slim, sculpted abdomen. So it is no wonder why core workouts are one of the most searched key terms on the internet. However, some people do not have the time, energy, or genetics to chisel the abdominals properly.

Fortunately, Emsculpt NEO offers the best non-invasive approach for working the abdomen, slimming the waistline, and sculpting an attractive six-pack. Learn more about Emsculpt NEO here.

What Manual Core Workouts Can and Cannot Do

Core workouts can strengthen the abdominal muscles, but they cannot shrink the waistline. Belly fat exercises cannot target stomach bulges. This myth is known as “spot reduction” and is an unreal expectation commonly sought by countless individuals. The idea is that working muscles underneath fat bulges will reduce the overlying fat. However, this is not how fat reduction works. If you’re carrying extra weight around the midsection, core workouts will not help reduce those stubborn bulges.

Many ab exercises strengthen your abdominal muscles, but no number of sit-ups or crunches will result in a chiseled, washboard look for many people. Like other popular muscle groups, the shape, size, and physiology of the muscle tissues are influenced heavily by genetics. For these individuals, they may need extra help in shedding excess, stubborn fat. This is where Emsculpt NEO can help!

Emsculpt NEO Core Workouts

As mentioned, six-pack abs are elusive for a lot of people. This is why more men and women turn to body contouring treatments such as Emsculpt NEO. This new revolutionary treatment stimulates powerful muscle contractions. However, to replicate a similar workout manually, a person would have to perform over 20,000 crunches or sit-ups.

People refer to Emsculpt NEO as Superman’s ab workout. The muscle exercises induced during the treatment go well beyond anything that an average human can achieve.

How Does Emsculpt NEO Work?

Emsculpt NEO uses the same High-Intensity focused Electromagnetic (HIFEM) energy of the original treatment and combines it with Radio Frequency (RF) energy. The addition of RF technology significantly enhances Emsculpt’s fat-reducing effects.

During the 30-minute treatment, an applicator emits the HIFEM and RF energies. The Radiofrequency delivers thermal energy to the tissues, warming up the muscles while heating fat cells. However, within minutes, the subcutaneous fat cells start to die.

At the same time, HIFEM energy penetrates the muscle tissue and stimulates powerful supramaximal contractions. After the treatment, the melted fat cells are collected by the lymphatic system and flushed out of the body. Once the fat cells are gone, they can never return. Emsculpt NEO provides a long-lasting stubborn fat reduction on top of a chiseled, lean abdomen.

Related article: How does Emsculpt NEO work?

Emsculpt NEO Core Workouts Near Me

If you want to learn more about Emsculpt NEO and how it can work your core unlike any manual exercise, contact Dermatology Laser Center and Medispa. We are a leading provider of Emsculpt NEO and provide individuals with safe, effective treatments. Call us at 410-356-0000 to schedule your free consultation and learn what Emsculpt NEO can do for your physique. 

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