Emsculpting | Shape and Define Muscles

Unleash Your Best Body with Emsculpt: Here's How

You are not alone if you struggle with shedding unwanted fat or defining muscles. For many of us, diet and exercise simply aren’t enough to bring the results we’re looking for. Sure, we are making progress. But to fully reach aesthetic goals, sometimes professional treatment is what it takes. Let’s discuss how you can get your dream body fast with a scientifically proven solution.

What is Emsculpt?

Emsculpt is a revolutionary treatment for reducing stubborn fat and building, strengthening, and toning muscles.

Benefits of Emsculpt that so many patients love include:

  • FDA-cleared, backed by science and great reviews
  • Simultaneously reduces stubborn fat while building and toning muscle
  • Each session delivers 20,000 powerful muscle contractions
  • A virtually painless solution with little to no downtime
  • Sculpts and tones many areas of the body

Even better than Emsculpt is Emsculpt NEO, the latest version that produces more effective results than the original machine.

someone receiving Emsculpt treatment

Areas You Can Eliminate Fat & Build Muscle with Emsculpt

Areas You Can Eliminate Fat & Build Muscle with Emsculpt

Emsculpt is ideal for targeting many of the body’s main muscle groups. These are some of the most popular applications for Emsculpt:

  • Abdomen–Emsculpt on the stomach area strengthens the core, reduces belly fat, and tones ab muscles.
  • Arms—Strengthening the triceps and biceps is an excellent way to define and sculpt the upper arms.
  • Legs–Emsculpting legs enhances and contours thighs and calves. Thighs will look slimmer, and calves will be more muscular and pronounced.
  • Buttocks–Targeting the booty effectively strengthens the glutes and provides a subtle lift. Emsculpt is known as a great non-surgical alternative to a butt lift procedure.

You can see firsthand results in these Emsculpt before and after images.

How Emsculpt Technology Works

Emsculpt NEO treatments are quick and convenient, taking about 30 minutes per session. An applicator emits HIFEM and RF energies onto the treatment area during this time. RF energy delivers thermal energy to the tissues to warm muscles and heat unwanted fat cells. Subcutaneous fat cells will die within minutes. The body naturally processes these dead fat cells out as waste through the lymphatic system.

At the same time that Emsculpt is melting fat, it’s also emitting HIFEM energy to penetrate muscle tissues and stimulate powerful supramaximal contractions. In just one treatment, 20,000 contractions occur that are equivalent to:

  • 20,000 ab building exercises
  • 20,000 squats
  • 20,000 lunges, or
  • 20,000 bicep curls

for exceptional results that cannot be obtained at home or the gym.

Comparing Emsculpt to Emsculpt NEO

The main difference between EmSculpt and Emsculpt NEO is that Emsculpt NEO adds RF energy to the same HIFEM energy used in Emsculpt. The RF energy melts fat cells and substantially enhances this treatment’s fat-reducing effects.

Studies show that, on average, Emsculpt NEO treatments increase muscle by 25% while decreasing fat by 30%. Both muscle mass and fat reduction increased significantly over the next six months. As a result, Emsculpt NEO is one of the most effective non-invasive treatments available in body contouring.

Who is a Candidate for Emsculpt Treatments?

Emsculpt NEO body contouring is not suited for everyone; only ideal candidates can expect optimal results. Generally, the best candidates are those who are already at or close to their ideal weight but still struggling with stubborn areas. To know if Emculpt NEO is right for you, speak with a provider directly by scheduling a complimentary consultation. During this meeting, an expert will assess whether or not this body contouring treatment will work for your body and aesthetic goals.

Emsculpt NEO Near Me: Build Muscle & Burn Fat in Baltimore

If you struggle to sculpt and shape your ideal body, Emsculpt may be right for you. Dermatology Laser Center and Medispa in Owings Mills, MD, is the leading provider of Emsculpt and Emsculpt Neo treatments in Baltimore.

Our body contouring experts safely perform Emsculpting treatments so that Baltimore County patients experience optimal and long-lasting results. Call (410) 356-0000 today to schedule a FREE consultation and learn whether Emsculpt is right for you.

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Emsculpt For Arms: Getting Rid of Arm Fat Quickly & Easily

Getting Rid of Arm Fat Quickly & Easily

Are you struggling with getting rid of arm fat? It’s time to discover a solution that targets those troublesome areas directly and efficiently: Emsculpt for arms. This cutting-edge technology is changing the game when it comes to body sculpting, especially for areas like the arms that can be particularly challenging to tone.

In this guide, we’ll explore everything you need to know about Emsculpt for arms, from what to expect in terms of results to addressing common concerns like saggy arms after weight loss and how to eliminate bat wings under arms.

Understanding Arm Fat

Before diving into Emsculpt information, let’s take a moment to understand what causes stubborn arm fat. The arms are prone to storing excess fat due to factors like genetics, aging, and lifestyle habits. Fluctuations in weight can also contribute to developing saggy arms after weight loss. Despite efforts through diet and exercise, some of us cannot figure out how to get rid of bat wings under our arms.

Why is Upper Arm Fat So Stubborn?

For some, it is also almost impossible to tone away fat in the upper arms. Building arm muscles with exercise provides a toned appearance. However, the muscles can be obscured by extra fat buildup, and manual exercise does not specifically reduce fat cells in this region.

Your Unwanted Fat Solution: Emsculpt for Arms

Emsculpt offers a non-invasive solution for getting rid of arm fat while simultaneously building muscle tone. Unlike traditional methods like liposuction, which only addresses fat, Emsculpt on arms takes a comprehensive approach by targeting both muscle and fat in the treated area.

Using high-intensity focused electromagnetic (HIFEM) energy, Emsculpt induces supramaximal muscle contractions, forcing the muscles to adapt and grow stronger while also triggering fat metabolism.

What is Emsculpt NEO?

Emsculpt NEO is the newest body-shaping treatment available. It uses dual energies (electromagnetic and radiofrequency) to burn fat cells and build strong muscles simultaneously.

During Emsculpt NEO treatments, the RF energy heats underlying muscles and fat. The thermal action reduces fat cells in the arm region. The heating action warms the muscles and preps the tissue for intense work via HIFEM. The dead fat cells are naturally gathered after treatment and then processed out of the body as waste. Once the fat cells are gone, they can never return.

Emsculpt for Arms: Results & Expectations

After just a few sessions, many patients experience noticeable arm tone and definition improvements. By getting rid of arm fat and building muscle, Emsculpt helps sculpt leaner and more defined arms, effectively reducing the appearance of arm fat and sagging skin.

When Emsculpt NEO was released, its popularity did not take long to soar. Manufacturers continue improving their technology by expanding the treatment areas. The FDA first cleared Emsculpt NEO to reduce fat and build muscles in the abs. Now, this popular treatment targets the core, legs, and arms so patients can reach their aesthetic goals.

Does Emsculpt Make You Stronger?

Absolutely! Emsculpt not only reduces fat but also enhances muscle strength. Through its unique mechanism of action, Emsculpt stimulates intense muscle contractions that mimic the effects of a rigorous workout. Over time, this increases muscle mass and strength, allowing you to achieve a more sculpted and toned appearance in your arms.

Will Emsculpt Make My Arms Bigger?

While Emsculpt for arms promotes muscle growth, it is not designed to increase your arms’ size significantly. Instead, it aims to improve muscle tone and definition, resulting in a leaner and more sculpted look. If you’re concerned about bulking up too much, rest assured that Emsculpt focuses on enhancing muscle quality rather than sheer size.

How Much Muscle Does Emsculpt Build?

While individual results may vary, many patients experience a noticeable increase in muscle mass and definition after completing a series of Emsculpt sessions. Check out our comprehensive article on how much muscle you can build with Emsculpt before and after comparisons.

Emsculpt Arms: How Long Does It Last?

Investing in your body with Emsculpt for arms is for the long term. Many patients enjoy the benefits of their Emsculpt treatment for months or even years after completing their sessions. To learn more about the longevity of Emsculpt results for different treatment areas, check out our article on how long Emsculpt lasts.

Difference Between Emsculpt NEO & CoolSculpting for Arms

When exploring your options for arm sculpting, you may come across CoolSculpting as an alternative to Emsculpt. While both treatments target unwanted fat, they utilize different mechanisms to achieve their results.

Emsculpt NEO combines electromagnetic energy with radiofrequency to simultaneously build muscle and reduce fat, while CoolSculpting freezes fat cells, causing them to be gradually eliminated by the body. Our informative comparison article dives deeper into the differences between Emsculpt NEO and CoolSculpting for arms.

Arm Sculpting Near Me: Emsculpt NEO in Baltimore

Are you ready to take the next step towards achieving toned and sculpted arms? Look no further than Dermatology Laser Center & Medispa in Baltimore, where you can experience the transformative power of Emsculpt NEO firsthand. Our experienced team is dedicated to helping you reach your aesthetic goals precisely and carefully. 

Contact us today to schedule your Emsculpt consultation and discover how to get rid of bat wings under the arms or tighten saggy arms after losing weight.

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Emsculpt vs Emsculpt NEO: What’s the Difference?

what is emsculpt neo
what is emsculpt neo

Emsculpt vs Emsculpt NEO: What’s the Difference?

Celebrities like Kim Kardashian, Megan Fox, and Drew Barrymore all take advantage of the powers of body sculpting. They’ve discovered how transformational the right treatment can be, but that doesn’t mean we need to leave these results for the stars. 

Imagine non-invasive fat shrinking, muscle building, and body shaping that doesn’t require downtime and won’t break the bank. All done within 30-minute, relaxing sessions at a medical spa. You can have it! 

Emsculpt NEO is here and builds on the original Emsculpt machine to become the secret weapon that gives you your dream body. Less fat, more muscle, and curves in all the right places. Let’s compare Emsculpt to Emsculpt NEO so you can make the most informed decision for your body sculpting treatment. 


Emsculpt treatments use HIFEM energy to penetrate muscle tissues and stimulate powerful supramaximal contractions. Emsculpt treats four major areas of the body: the arms, the belly, the buttocks, and the legs.

These contractions are not something you can replicate at the gym. If you were to target your abs, for example, Emsculpt’s technology is comparable to doing 20,000 situps, mountain climbers, etc. 

Similarities Between Emsculpt and Emsculpt NEO

Emsculpt NEO is the newer, more advanced version of Emsculpt. Because of this, they share many of the same characteristics, but Emsculpt NEO provides better results. Plus, the improved version even brings another benefit: Skin tightening. 

Emsculpt is similar to Emsculpt NEO in that both:

  • Involve no downtime after treatment
  • Are non-invasive body contouring solutions
  • Burn fat and tone muscles
  • Are useful in speeding recovery time after injury 
  • Have no side effects other than how you’d feel after a hard workout
  • Minimize muscle separation in the abdomen (diastasis recti)
  • Are FDA-approved as effective treatments
  • Require no numbing or anesthesia 
  • Can increase testosterone levels in men 

No matter which treatment you choose, four treatments are often recommended, with two to seven days between sessions. Of course, this is a generalization, as Emsculpt and Emsculpt NEO treatments are customized for every patient. Depending on your goals and concerns, you could see optimal results with fewer sessions. A consultation is the easiest way to determine how many sessions you should have, and how much your Emsculpt cost will be. 

How Long Do Emsculpt Results Last?

With both versions, Emsculpt results gradually develop, becoming more noticeable within six weeks after a session. The most dramatic improvements last around six months. 

One important note is that the fat that Emsculpt and Emsculpt NEO remove is permanently gone. Sessions destroy and eliminate a percentage of excess fat in the treatment area. That fat will never return. But, there still will be fat in the area, and those fat cells can expand. 

Patients who see the best Emsculpt results are those who maintain an active, healthy lifestyle. Those who do not exercise regularly or eat as well often notice some of the muscle tone diminishing around three or four months after treatment.

Differences Between Emsculpt and Emsculpt NEO

Emsculpt NEO uses the same HIFEM energy as the original Emsculpt treatment. However, treatments also incorporate Radio Frequency (RF) energy to melt fat cells. The addition of RF technology significantly enhances the procedure’s fat-reducing effects.

During the convenient 30-minute treatment, an applicator emits both HIFEM and RF energies. Radiofrequency delivers thermal energy to the tissues, warming the muscles and heating fat cells. However, within minutes, the subcutaneous fat cells die.

At the same time, the HIFEM penetrates the muscle tissues, stimulating powerful contractions. These contractions, supramaximal contractions, work muscles more intensely than manual exercise.

Emsculpt vs Emsculpt NEO Muscle Contractions

Emsculpt NEO contractions are equivalent to 24,000 muscle contractions in one treatment area during one session. Emsculpt contractions are equivalent to 20,000. 

Along with more contractions in one session, adding RF energy melts fat cells and substantially enhances Emsculpt NEO’s fat-reducing effects. 

As a result, the body creates more muscle cells and enhances the muscle fibers to adapt to the stress of contractions. Because of its impressive improvements, Emsculpt NEO is one of the most effective non-invasive treatments available in body contouring.

Emsculpt Treatment Areas

Both Emsculpt and Emsculpt NEO are effective options for stronger, more defined muscles with fat reduction. But they cannot both treat the same locations on the body. 

Emsculpt offers body contouring for areas like the abs, butt, arms, and calves. Emsculpt NEO comes with applicators that can treat everywhere Emsculpt can and more, including:

Patients with more excess fat, not as close to their ideal weight as they might hope, or with a higher BMI, should consider Emsculpt NEO. It has more muscle-building and fat-removal benefits, plus skin-tightening capabilities to bring dramatic results.

How Much Weight Can You Lose With Emsculpt?

Studies show that, on average, Emsculpt NEO treatments increase muscle by 25% while decreasing fat by 30%. On the other hand, Emsculpt increases muscle mass by up to 16% and removes about 20% of excess fat in an area. 

This means that while you will lose weight with Emsculpt (either version), it’s not meant to be a weight-loss treatment. Emsculpting contours the body, improving curves and toning areas for fat loss and muscle definition.

Is CoolSculpting Better than Emsculpt NEO?

If you’re looking into the different body contouring options, you’re likely comparing Emsculpt NEO and CoolSculpting. It’s only natural since they’re among the most popular sculpting solutions available. 

Your decision may come down to what you need most from a treatment. While CoolSculpting works well to eliminate pockets of unwanted fat, it stops there. Emsculpt NEO minimizes fat while also building muscle and tightening the skin. Those searching for a total rejuvenation treatment will benefit more from Emsculpt NEO.

What Are The Downsides of Emsculpt Neo?

There are little to no side effects or downsides with Emsculpt NEO. It’s common to feel some muscle soreness as if you spent the afternoon working hard at the gym. Some patients experience redness depending on skin tone, but this disappears after a couple of hours.

The only downside to Emsculpt NEO is that it’s not meant for everyone. Candidates should not be pregnant or nursing. There should be no metal implants in the part of the body being treated, and no tattoos on the area.

Try Emsculpting in Baltimore with Emsculpt NEO

Start your journey to building more muscle and reducing fat with Emsculpt NEO treatments at Dermatology Laser Center and Medispa. As the leading provider of Emsculpt NEO and body contouring in Owings Mills, we are proud to offer confidence-boosting treatments. 

Our cosmetic solutions cater to patients in the surrounding communities of Baltimore County, such as Garrison, Pikesville, Randallstown, and Towson. Schedule your consultation by calling 410-356-0000 or reaching out online.

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What Area is Best for Emsculpt NEO? A Treatment Guide

beautiful woman doing exercise promoting Emsuclpt NEO treatment
beautiful woman doing exercise promoting Emsuclpt NEO treatment

Best Emsculpt NEO Areas: A Treatment Guide

Trying to lose fat and build muscle is a challenge many of us face. Maybe you’re already making meal plans and hitting the gym, but you’re also thinking about adding a treatment that speeds up results.

Emsculpt NEO is FDA-cleared to build muscle and reduce fat in the abdomen, the buttocks, the arms, and the legs (including thighs and calves).

Here’s how and why these are the best areas to treat with Emsculpt NEO. Remember that the key to stunning results is finding the right provider. You should feel comfortable and confident moving forward with a team you trust.

Popular Emsculpt NEO Treatment Areas

Providers equipped with the latest Emsculpt NEO technology will be able to treat specific target areas to help you sculpt the body of your dreams. Read on to learn about the treatment areas of Emsculpt NEO and how this popular cosmetic treatment can benefit your specific body contouring goals.

Emsculpt NEO Arms

The newest applicator for Emsculpt NEO is a small applicator designed to treat arms. The upper arm areas are notorious problem areas that so many of us face.

Upper arm fat is directly influenced by age, genetics, and hormones. This means that the fat may persist regardless of your diet or healthy lifestyle. Emsculpt NEO’s new applicator targets stubborn fat deposits in the upper arms.

During treatments, RF (radio frequency) energy melts the stubborn fat. At the same time, HIFEM® (high-intensity focused electromagnetic) energy strengthens muscle at the equivalent of 20,000 bicep curls.

Emsculpt NEO Arms Before and After*

Emsculpt NEO Stomach / Abs

Many men and women choose Emsculpt NEO treatments to get the coveted six-pack abs. Treatments on the stomach tone and strengthen the core muscles unlike anything else. Many studies show that attaining abs is more complex than it appears. Your work in the gym can be hidden by stubborn fat that does not respond well, if at all, to ab workouts.

Additionally, many cosmetic treatments do not target muscles and only focus on reducing fat. Emsculpt NEO can do both. Abdomen treatments effectively melt stubborn fat with RF energy and build abdominal muscle with HIFEM energy. You can experience the equivalent of 20,000 crunches in just one treatment.

Emsculpt NEO Abs Before and After*

Emsculpt NEO Buttocks

Emsculpt NEO is a favorite non-surgical alternative to a butt lift. Traditional butt lift procedures are surgical, which includes general anesthesia, stitches, and associated risks.

Emsculpt NEO provides a plumper backside non-invasively with little to no downtime. In addition, during Emsculpt NEO buttock treatments, new tissue necessary for volumetric growth is created while the existing tissue is strengthened. Together, these effects lift and reduce stubborn fat for a firmer and perkier appearance.

Emsculpt NEO Buttocks Before and After*

Emsculpt NEO Thighs

Thighs and legs can be tough to maintain, especially if you are pear-shaped, or heavier on your lower half. Stubborn pockets of fat tend to collect around the legs and upper thighs, even with healthy eating and exercise habits.

Some people exercise intensively and often, seeking trainers and other assistance to slim their legs, and still have trouble reaching their goals. In fact, if you’re a woman struggling with thick thighs, you may be on the receiving end of hormone-influenced fat deposits.

Now, thanks to continually improving technology, Emsculpt NEO reduces an average of 30% excess fat while increasing muscle by an average of 25%. Since it focuses on both fat reduction and muscle building, Emsculpt NEO is more effective than CoolSculpting.

Emsculpt NEO Before and After Thighs*

Emsculpt NEO Calves

If you’re not among the rare few who seem to have been gifted with solid calves, it can be a battle to tone them. Emsculpt Neo can help you reach your goals with each 30-minute session. And with no downtime after your appointment, you start to see results fast without surgery or injectables.

At Dermatology Laser Center & Medispa, our team creates a custom treatment plan with you to determine the right number of sessions for your calves.

Emsculpt NEO Before and After Calves*

Emsculpt neo calf treatment before and after

Find Out if Emsculpt NEO in Baltimore is Right For You

As you can see in the before and afters, the treatment reduces fat and builds muscle. The best way to maintain your Emsculpt NEO results is through a healthy diet and exercise regimen.

Even though the technology eliminates stubborn fat cells and tones the treatment area, it is still possible to gain weight if you aren’t eating well and using your muscles.

If you’re in the Baltimore area and are ready to target stubborn fat with Emsculpt NEO, our team is here to help! Schedule a complimentary consultation by calling 410-356-0000.

*Keep in mind that results vary depending on your treatment area, intensity level, and number of sessions.

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Emsculpt NEO Baltimore County | Choosing the Top Body Contouring Provider

a woman undergoing therapy in her body
a woman undergoing therapy in her body

Emsculpt NEO Baltimore County | Choosing the Top Body Contouring Provider

Emsculpt NEO is a new and exciting body contouring treatment that many people research. When considering beauty treatments, the cost is an important factor. But it should not be the main one. You may not get the best results using the cheapest available option. Choosing the most respected provider ensures great results and a safe procedure.

Learn more about this incredible treatment and how to find the most reputable Emsculpt NEO Baltimore County provider.

Learn more about Emsculpt NEO>>

What is Emsculpt NEO?

Emsculpt NEO is an innovative body sculpting treatment that relies on high intensity focused electromagnetic (HIFEM) and radiofrequency (RF) energy. Each session takes about half an hour and is painless. The provider uses an applicator to direct HIFEM and RF to the treatment area. Radiofrequency brings thermal energy to the skin’s underlying muscle tissues. It heats up and kills the subcutaneous fat cells within minutes of exposure.

Emsculpt NEO does not only treat stubborn fat. It helps people gain muscle too! The HIFEM goes under the tissue to stimulate muscle contractions. At the end of the session, your body experiences more than 20,000 contractions! These powerful contractions trigger the body to create new muscle cells, resulting in a more toned look.

After the procedure, dead fat cells exit the body via the lymphatic system. Once they are out, they do not regrow or return. This is what makes Emsculpt NEO so effective. As a result, patients can burn fat while gaining muscle and enjoy the effects for a long time.

Emsculpt NEO Before and After>>

Finding the Best Emsculpt NEO Near Me

Emsculpt NEO is a technique-sensitive treatment. This means that the provider you choose impacts your experience and outcome. There are a handful of things to consider when looking for the best Emsculpt NEO Baltimore County provider.

Shop the Most Attractive Emsculpt NEO Prices

We all love a good deal when it comes to beauty treatments. But people often put too much focus on prices. Rather than finding the cheapest provider, there are smart ways to save money on body shaping. For example, numerous reputable providers offer new client specials, bundle packages, and financing options. These make cosmetic procedures like Emsculpt NEO more affordable. You can save money without skimping out on quality.

Choose an Experienced and Honest Provider

Unfortunately, Emsculpt NEO is not suitable for everyone. Find out whether Emsculpt NEO is right for you. Visit an experienced Baltimore County provider like Dermatology Laser Center and MediSpa.

During the consultation, a specialist evaluates your body to determine your candidacy. If it is, we can customize a treatment plan to deliver amazing fat reduction and muscle-building results. If you are not eligible for Emsculpt NEO, we will share other options that will help you achieve your body goals.

Emsculpt NEO Near Me in Baltimore County

Dermatology Laser Center and MediSpa is the leading provider for body shaping procedures like Emsculpt NEO in Baltimore. We are in Owings Mills, MD but treat men and women all over Baltimore County. Find out if Emsculpt NEO is right for you by calling our office at (410) 356-0000 to schedule a free consultation.

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Does Emsculpt Neo Last? | Muscle Burning + Fat Reduction

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smiling couple jogging outdoor

Does Emsculpt Neo Last? | Muscle Burning + Fat Reduction

Before people invest their time and money into Emsculpt NEO, they want to know, “Does Emsculpt NEO Last?” When considering a cosmetic treatment, money is a primary concern. No one wants to pay for treatment if there is a chance it will not work or provide results that last long-term. Thankfully, people considering Emsculpt NEO at Dermatology Laser Center and MediSpa for muscle enhancement and a reduction in excess fat can commit without fear.

Read on to learn more about the revolutionary Emsculpt NEO, see before and after pictures, and discover if the results last long.

How Does Emsculpt Neo Work?

Before answering the question, “Does Emsculpt NEO last,” it helps to understand how the treatment works. Emsculpt NEO is unlike other popular body treatments like CoolSculpting, that only address the reduction in subcutaneous fat cells. Instead, it focuses on another primary component of the body: muscle. Emsculpt NEO reduces fat but does much more by building, toning, and strengthening muscles in areas like the stomach, thighs, buttocks, upper arms, and calves.

Do Muscles Lose Mass After Emsculpt Neo?

If you do not use your muscles, you lose them. This applies even after the innovative Emsculpt NEO treatment. If you do not continue to work your muscles, you will see a loss in muscle mass. To prolong your results and continue seeing strong and defined muscles, you need to focus on weightlifting and regular strengthen training.

How much does Emsculpt NEO cost?>>

How to Maintain Emsculpt Neo Results

After your Emsculpt NEO session, fat cells die and process out of the body. Those cells can never grow back, leading to sustainable fat reduction. However, focusing on being physically active and eating healthy is important to avoid weight gain. While those fat cells destroyed during your treatment can never return, the surrounding fat cells can expand, which would obscure your results.

Emsculpt Neo Cost

Emsculpt NEO cost varies per person.* The price is a direct reflection of the unique needs of each patient. If you want to learn more about the cost of this innovative body treatment, schedule a consultation for a physical example. During your exam, our specialists at Dermatology Laser Center and MediSpa determine if this treatment suits your body and needs.

Emsculpt Neo Near Me

Now that you know more about Emsculpt NEO, how the treatment works, and how it provides lasting and sustainable results, you should schedule a free consultation. Define a stronger physique and eliminate fat cells. Contact Dermatology Laser Center and MediSpa and determine if Emsculpt NEO is right for you. Call us at (410) 356-0000 or reach out to us online to learn more about the innovative body sculpting treatment. We are the leading provider of effective, long-lasting Emsculpt NEO treatments in Owings Mills, MD.

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Emsculpt NEO vs CoolSculpting | Which Treatment is the Best?

woman with beautiful and sculpted body
woman with beautiful and sculpted body

Emsculpt NEO vs CoolSculpting | Which Treatment is the Best?

Emsculpt NEO vs CoolSculpting compares two of the leading non-surgical body treatments. We seek to demonstrate the advantages of each procedure. Read on to learn more about each treatment’s technology and discover which one is the best choice for providing a slim, sculpted physique without surgery or a long recovery.

What is Coolsculpting?

CoolSculpting is a non-invasive fat reduction method using controlled cooling to reduce stubborn fat cells. It is known as the popular non-surgical liposuction alternative because it provides sustainable fat reduction results. Studies show that CoolSculpting reduces fat by 25% after just one treatment. Best of all, the results are long-lasting. CoolSculpting works so effectively because it uses Cryolipolysis. This advanced technology exposes subcutaneous fat cells to extreme cooling that attacks the cell membrane. Once the membrane is “frozen,” it crystallizes and ruptures. Eventually, the disabled cell dies and processes out of the body naturally.

See the impressive CoolSculpting before and after results>>

While CoolSculpting is an effective form of fat reduction, it leaves out one critical component of the body: muscle. CoolSculpting does nothing to improve muscle tone, strengthen, or definition unlike Emsculpt NEO.

What is Emsculpt NEO

Emsculpt NEO is unlike any other available body contouring procedure, including CoolSculpting. Emsculpt NEO targets two primary things: fat reduction and muscle enhancement. Not only do Emsculpt NEO sessions melt fat cells for a slim, trim waistline, but it also sculpts, tones, strengthens, and defines the abdominal muscles creating six-pack abs without stepping foot in a gym.
Emsculpt NEO incorporates High-Intensity Focused Electromagnetic Energy to stimulate powerful contractions in the muscle group. At the same time, Radiofrequency energy heats up the tissues as it begins to eliminate stubborn fat.

Related Article: What is Emsculpt NEO?>>

Emsculpt NEO treats major muscle groups including the abdomen, buttocks, legs, and arms. One 30-minute session induces more than 20,000 muscle contractions in the treatment area. Scientific studies show that Emsculpt NEO treatments enhance muscles by 25% and reduce fat cells by 30%.

Emsculpt NEO vs. CoolSculpting | Which is Better?

Emsculpt NEO vs CoolSculpting: which is better? Well, it depends on what you are looking to gain. If you want fat reduction and a leaner physique, CoolSculpting is the best option. However, if you want to simultaneously burn off fat and build, firm, and tone muscles, Emsculpt NEO is your treatment.

Emsculpt NEO Near Me | CoolSculpting Near Me

If you want to learn more about Emsculpt NEO and CoolSculpting, contact Dermatology Laser Center and MediSpa. We are the leading provider of safe, effective body sculpting and contouring treatment. We are proud to serve the people of Owings Mills, MD and the surrounding areas of Northern Baltimore, Garrison, Pikesville, Randallstown, Towson. Call us at 410-356-0000 to schedule your consultation and learn how Emsculpt NEO can change your physique in dramatic ways.

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Emsculpt Results | Build Muscle and Shape the Body

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fitness woman exercising together

Emsculpt Results | Build Muscle and Shape the Body

Emsculpt results are seen in the impressive before and after images and academic reviews of this body shaping treatment. Both provide evidence that Emsculpt treatments really work. Learn more about Emsculpt and how it improves the body in phenomenal ways like chiseling washboard abs or lifting the buttocks.

Learn more about Emsculpt >>

Emsculpt Before and After*

Emsculpt before and after images show real results from actual patients. This body shaping treatment builds and tones strong muscles while reducing fat. Of course, results will vary per person.* However, the outcomes seen in the photos are the usual results possible with Emsculpt. It is important to note that Emsculpt is a skill-sensitive treatment. To achieve safe, effective results, you should select the most reputable provider in your area. Patients living in Owings Mills, MD, select Dermatology Laser Center and MediSpa to achieve the best Emsculpt results. 

Emsculpt Results in Scientific Literature

Medical professionals perform clinical studies to measure Emsculpt results. All the findings reveal further evidence backing this popular muscle-building procedure.

One specific article “Safety and efficacy of a novel high‐intensity focused electromagnetic technology device for noninvasive abdominal body shaping” published in the Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology, is a great resource for proving Emsculpt results are as amazing as they seem.  

This study shows that at a 3 month follow up, 95% of patients were satisfied with their Emsculpt results. These same people go on to state, “Their abdominal appearance improved.” Furthermore, they claim “After the last treatment, 95% of the patients reported that they would recommend the treatment to a friend.”

Emsculpt Treatments Provide:

  • Muscle increase of 16% at 1 month. This increases to 18% 6 months after
  • Fat reduction of 19% at 1 month. This increases to 23% within 6 months after
  • 500% increase in fat metabolism
  • 80% of patients achieve a visible lifting of buttocks
  • On average, waist circumference decreases by 4.4 cm (almost 2 inches.)
  • No adverse side effects 

Emsculpt Cost

The price of an Emsculpt treatment plan varies per person. Emsculpt cost is determined by the number of sessions needed to achieve optimal muscle building, strengthening, and toning. Price also depends on how many areas you elect to treat with Emsculpt. The best way to receive your personal Emsculpt cost is to contact a reputable provider like Dermatology Laser Center and MediSpa for a consultation. 

How to Get Your Emsculpt Results

If you live in Owings Mills, MD, and want to secure your own safe Emsculpt results, contact Dermatology Laser Center and MediSpa. We are the leading provider of Emsculpt treatments in the area. Call us at 410-356-0000 to schedule a consultation or reach out to us online to learn more. 

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Emsculpt FAQ

What is Emsculpt?

Emsculpt is a body contouring treatment that builds and tones sexy muscles. This revolutionary treatment applies electromagnetic energy in a non-invasive way. Emsculpt is FDA-cleared as safe and effective.

How Does Emsculpt Work?

Emsculpt technology stimulates 20,000 supramaximal contractions in a treatment area. This results in strengthened and toned muscles that are impossible to achieve on your own at the gym.

Is Emsculpt Effective?

Yes, Emsculpt is effective. Scientific studies show Emsculpt treatments to increase muscle mass by 16% and reduce fat by 19% within one month after treatment. These percentages increased to 19% muscles increase and 23% fat decrease after six months.

Does Emsculpt Hurt?

No, Emsuclpt does not hurt. Patients will feel their muscles contracting and some have described the sensation as weird, but not uncomfortable.

When Will I See My Emsculpt Results?

Results from Emsculpt treatments will vary for each individual*. However, many patients see Emsculpt results 3 – 6 weeks after their initial treatment. Most patients will see improvements over the following 6 months after treatment.

See Emsculpt NEO Before and Afters>>

What Areas Does Emsculpt treat?

Emsculpt treatments are FDA-cleared to build muscle in 5 areas. These areas are arms, abdominals, calves, thighs, and buttocks. Emsculpt NEO can treat these same areas for additional fat reduction of stubborn bulges and muscle building.

Can I get Emsculpt results at home?

No, you cannot get the same results from Emsculpt treatments on your own- no matter your healthy lifestyle or talent in the gym. Emsculpt is sometimes called the ‘superman workout’ due to its ability to deliver unparalleled results.

What is the difference between Emsculpt & Emsculpt NEO?

Emsculpt NEO uses the same electromagnetic energy as the original Emsculpt treatment, in addition to radiofrequency energy. Emsculpt NEO increases fat reduction at an impressive 30% with an outstanding 35% muscle increase. Emsculpt NEO is also ideal for most body types (BMIs up to 35).

Learn more about Emsculpt NEO>>

How Much Does Emsculpt and Emsculpt NEO Cost?

Emsculpt and Emsculpt NEO treatments are tailored to the circumstances and aesthetic goals of each patient. As such, the cost of Emsculpt and Emsculpt NEO varies. The best way to learn the cost of these treatments is for you is to speak with a provider in a consultation.

How do I choose between Emsculpt and Emsculpt NEO?

If you are deciding between Emsculpt and Emsculpt NEO treatments, speak with an experienced professional. Providers of either treatment will be able to honestly tell you the benefits of each and can help you decide which is right for you. Schedule a complimentary consultation with a trusted provider to learn more about Emsculpt and Emsculpt NEO.

Is Emsculpt NEO Better?

Emsculpt NEO elevates the original treatment for even greater body shaping results. Not only is Emsculpt NEO FDA-cleared to simultaneously build muscle and burn fat, but studies, raving patient reviews, and astounding before and after photos show evidence that it actually works. Emsculpt NEO is a ‘next-level’ treatment to the already incredible original Emsculpt.

Emsculpt NEO Near Me

If you are in Baltimore County and want to transform your physique, choose Emsculpt NEO as your body contouring treatment. Dermatology Laser Center is the leading provider of Emsculpt NEO treatments in Owings Mills, MD. Schedule a FREE consultation with us today to learn more why Emsculpt NEO is so revolutionary and discover if it’s right for you. Call us at 410-356-0000 to get started.

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Body Shaping | Non-invasive Ways to Tighten Skin and Reduce Fat

beautiful women posing in underwear promoting non-invasive body shaping
beautiful women posing in underwear promoting non-invasive body shaping

Body Shaping | Non-invasive Ways to Tighten Skin and Reduce Fat

Body shaping, also known as body contouring, refers to cosmetic treatments and procedures that reshape and restore the body. These treatments improve your physical appearance and are either surgical or non-invasive in technique. Both men and women choose body shaping treatments to help in reducing excess fat and tighten the skin. Read on to learn more about body shaping.

Surgical Body Shaping

The most popular method of surgical body shaping is liposuction. Liposuction and similar treatments (facelift or tummy tucks) lift sagging skin and remove excess skin. Surgical body shaping is highly effective. However, many adults are wary of such procedures due to their invasive nature. Some aspects of these treatments are general anesthesia, scalpels, stitches, scars, and lengthy recovery times.

Non-Invasive Body Shaping

In recent years, non-invasive cosmetic treatments have revolutionized the body shaping industry. There are a wide variety of non-invasive body shaping treatments available almost everywhere. These non-invasive methods employ various sciences and energies to contour the body in safe and effective ways without surgery. CoolSculpting, for example, uses controlled cooling to freeze away fat. Emsculpt NEO uses radiofrequency and high-intensity focused electromagnetic energy to build muscles while also reducing fat.


CoolSculpting distinguishes itself from other non-invasive body shaping treatments. It is the only FDA-cleared method to use controlled cooling to freeze away fat. Most non-invasive treatments use thermal energies from lasers or radiofrequency. Instead, CoolSculpting uses the science of Cryolipolysis. Also known as fat freezing, the clinically developed process of Cryolipolysis exposes subcutaneous fat cells to freezing temperatures without damaging any overlying skin in the process. Studies show CoolSculpting to reduce stubborn fat by 25%. As a result, CoolSculpting is the most popular non-invasive fat reduction treatment in the world. Countless men and women are choosing CoolSculpting for their body shaping treatments.

Related Article: What is CoolSculpting?>>

Emsculpt NEO

Emsculpt NEO is the only FDA-approved treatment that simultaneously burns fat and builds muscles for body shaping. As a result, Emsculpt NEO is one of the most effective non-invasive body shaping treatments available today. Studies show that a patient can increase muscle by 25% and decrease fat by 30% with this outstanding treatment.

Emsculpt NEO utilizes radiofrequency (RF) and high-intensity focused electromagnetic energy (HIFEM). The RF energy works to burn and melt away fat during one treatment, while the HIFEM energy delivers 20,000 supramaximal contractions. Depending on the treatment area, these contractions are equivalent to 20,000 crunches, squats, or bicep curls.

See Impressive Emsculpt NEO Before and After Results>>

Body Shaping Near Me

The Dermatology Laser Center and MediSpa in Owings Mills, MD, is the leading provider of body shaping treatments. Dr. Snyder is a board-certified surgeon and has been recognized nationally and internationally. Men and women in Baltimore County and Washington DC areas looking to shape and contour their bodies in non-invasive and effective ways should contact Dr. Snyder. With his extensive experience and knowledge, Dr. Snyder can help you determine which method of body shaping is right for you. Call 410-356-0000 to schedule a complimentary consultation today.

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